HOLA amigos que tal,aqui les traigo un pequeño y sencillo video de como encarar la reparacion de un tv LCD Samsung cuando no le sirve la fuente y desea uno s...
EASY HOW TO FIX SAMSUNG TV- TURNS OFF RANDOMLY Clicking ON AND OFF Repairing Samsung LCD No power problem LN MODEL LN46B500 - buy the cap kit for your tv model.
Riparazione Samsung SyncMaster P2270HD.HDTV monitor. Problema di questo tv era : Immagine assente. Il pezzo che era guasto era il TRASFORMATORE PER INVERTER .
My name is David Cook,,, this is a how to video on how to repair a Samsung lcd monitor syncmaster 226bw .However this repair info could be used on many other...
Guida pratica alla sintonizzazione di un TV LCD Full HD con sintonizzatore DTT integrato. N.B.:La qualità del video realizzato con cellu non rende affatto la...
Disassembly, spotting busted caps.
This is me again and today I'm going to reset to default settings a Samsung T22A350 TV (this way works with models from '08 to '11)
Another Ebay LCD. Had some yellowing of the diffuser from arc vapors, but certainly usable for casual stuff!
Esta Solucion Aplica para la serie 6 de Samsung, Ej: #serie - UA55ES6200 El error radica en que despues de unos minutos o al conectar otro aparato la pantall...
TV LCD SAMSUNG FULL HD com defeito de fabrica crônico, desliga sozinha e não liga por um período de + ou - 8 horas, já foi levada a assistencia técnica autor...
Technically my first vid on utube but i'm not counting it. USB Service Slot in the rear of my LCD T.V. What is it for?
[SOLVED] Samsung syncmaster 2033sw LCD screen flickering, blinks analog-digital and goes blank after every 2-3 seconds and brightness menu pops up complete s...
Hey guys...here is another quick and easy repair. This LCD came to me and would not power on. I checked the power supply and sure enough we had a bad 2200uf ...
Metro 2033 HD Gameplay made by Ozzyk ( medede206 ) Metro 2033 HD Gameplay od Ozzyka ( medede206) Метро 2033 HD игра от Ozzyk ( medede206) ...
Samsung TV re-tune guide - introduction video.
Samsung Syncmaster 740N Monitor LCD de 17 pulgadas Procedimiento para abrirlo y desmontar tarjeta de fuente de poder. Falla: no muestra video, pantalla oscur...
Más videos en http://www.eltallerdelectronica.com En este video muestro cómo destapar un monitor LCD sin usar nada de herramienta.
Sorry, this video was made at home and due to family and pets, had to be heavily edited! Repairing Samsung TV It's common issue with Samsung TV's to have low...