If you want high quality Full HD viewing now and the opportunity to stream online entertainment and services in the future, we have the TV for you. Relax and enjoy impressive picture detail knowing there’s a whole new world waiting whenever you’re ready.
Watch in clear, crisp Full HD detail
Watch TV and films in Full HD and see a clear difference in picture quality with LED backlighting. Enjoy true-to-life colours and crisp detail with X-Reality. It even improves images from Standard Definition so you can enjoy high quality viewing whatever you choose to watch.
Watch the best of the web from your sofa
Connect to the web and stream Internet videos directly to your TV. Wireless LAN Ready capability means you can simply plug in a USB Wi-Fi® adaptor from Sony and connect without wires too. With more channels being added all the time it’s now even easier to enjoy what you want, when you want.
Let us simplify your home living
Need to make a call during an ad break? Make free video calls on your TV in clear detail with Skype™. Record the show you might miss straight to hard disk via USB. You can even link a smartphone to your TV to instantly find details about the TV programme you’re watching.
Get easy access to free digital HD TV
Enjoy a huge range of free digital TV and radio channels, including HD programmes, with built-in Freeview HD. There’s no subscription or contract and no need for a set-top box or satellite dish. It’s all easily accessible using just one remote control and your external TV aerial.